LIGA Plus, your microparts seen from a new angle
LIGA Plus is a form of hybridization of UV-LIGA technology with conventional machining. A machining operation is integrated into the UV-LIGA process flow between wafer thicknessing and part release.
These machining operations are carried out on the top surface of the wafer (galvanic surface), and enable the production of functional shapes such as bevels, screw head housings, undercuts and pockets of variable shapes.
The great advantage of LIGA Plus is the ability to produce finished LIGA components without the restrictions of “reverse pyramid” geometries. Thanks to the performance of the machining center and the extreme precision of UV-LIGA technology, the location of machining operations on the wafer is guaranteed to within +/-5 µm, with homogeneous, polished surface quality.
The combination of these two technologies, one additive and the other material removal, opens up new perspectives in the world of microcomponents.